The foundations of pain management start with the spine which is the crutch for our body. The spinal unit including the musculature is the foundation of our everyday lives. When there are elements which are affected or out of balance, the rest of the body may suffer as well leading to chronic pain conditions. We believe that a holistic, full body approach to treating the body begins with foundations in spine care which then can be applied to the rest of the body. We believe that the nonsurgical and less invasive approach should always be considered as the primary option where a vast majority of these patients may be treated through these rehabilitation and nonsurgical techniques.
At Alpine Orthopaedic, we have board-certified physical medicine and rehabilitation and pain management specialists to help you uncover and treat the variety of causes to your back problems. We strive to help our patients return to their regular daily activities and lifestyle as rapidly as possible. Some of the most common treatments are listed below but your treatment plan will be individualized to fit your desires and needs. One or more of the following treatments may be recommended to help relieve your back pain and problems.
Regenerative Medicine:
The goal at Alpine Orthopaedic is to help as many people as possible live long, healthy and pain-free lives. We offer patients a high-quality, natural treatment option for certain conditions including spine, joint and certain orthopedic injuries. Our goal is to offer innovative therapies that enhance the body’s natural ability to heal through trustworth, regenerative procedures as well